Dear visitor, this tool called OsmHydrant eases the process of adding and editing hydrants to OpenStreetMap.
All you need is an account at, which is free of any charge. Of course, you can use OsmHydrant for viewing hydrants and their coverage without the need for registration.
With the help of OsmHydrant you can accomplish the following things:
Use the buttons from the left toolbar that are decorated with the plus-symbol () to add new hydrants, suction points & water tanks.
(i.e. adapt a symbols position) Click on any symbol in the map and click/tap the move-button in the popup.
Either choose a fire-fighting facilities from the list onto the right sidebar or directly click a symbol in the map. In the popup click the button.
Click/tap the remove-button in the popup of any fire-fighting facilities.
The following types of fire-fighting facilities are shown in OsmHydrant:
This includes types ranging from pillars, underground, wall and fixed connectors at ponds.
This is a preferred or specially prepared point to pump water off a river or pond/lake. If it would contain a fixed connector (suction tube) then the fire hydrant type should be used.
A large water basin for a fire department to take water.
While they are shown in OsmHydrant with the symbol , they cannot be edited.
If you want to map fire water ponds you can do this via the OpenStreetMap website.
The following features support you when using OsmHydrant:
We recommend an up-to-date browser to get the best experience with OsmHydrant.
If you want to use OsmHydrant to add & edit fire-fighting facilities, you need an OpenStreetMap account. However, the registration at OpenStreetMap is free of charge.
Before each session, where you are going to add fire-fighting facilities or edit existing ones, you need to login into your OpenStreetMap account and allow OsmHydrant edit the map in your name. To start you session click onto OAuth/Login.
After a successful login, you can start to edit fire-fighting facilities by selecting them in the map or in the list.
All fields in the edit form are optional and you should only fill them out, if you are certain about the values set. A description on various fields is shown in the OpenStreetMap-Wiki.
After a successful login, you can add for example hydrants by clicking the hydrant-symbol in the left toolbar.
A new hydrant is placed in the middle of the map. Now you can set the position via your pointing device or finger on mobile devices.
To ease positioning you can use another base-layer. You can switch to the satellite view via the layers-symbol in the map.
You can either move the colored cross-hair shown on the map or move the map while the cross-hair stays at its position.
The fields Coupling Type and Couplings aim to specify the access pins of a hydrant.
When using type Storz
, the value 1A/1B/2C
means that the hydrant has got 4 connectors:
While Storz
couplings are used by many countries in the world, the characters (A,B,C,D) are just common in German-speaking areas.
Alternatively we'd suggest using for example 1x110/1x75/2x52
for the field couplings.
Other coupling types are
(France & Belgium),
(Great Britain),
The following problems cannot be solved with OsmHydrant and may limit its usage:
Existing fire-fighting facilities are queried from Overpass. Their data is not live. As a result it may take a while, until newly added hydrants are added to this map (usually after 20 minutes, always within 1 hour).
The maps are dynamically created. The objects on the map are queried from foreign servers. As a result there may be longer loading times. If you want a view-only map, I suggest the OpenFireMap.
Features are added one after another. In case you miss some key functionality, you can contact me.
There is no guarantee that every fire hydrant in the OpenStreetMap does really exist. Basically a user could add wrong data.
As a result use this data with care. I don't suggest relying on the positions of fire-fighting facilities. Instead, use this tool
to map all fire-fighting facilities and then print them out. Using paper in the case of emergency is always more reliable than for example smartphones.
Another reason for wrong data may be removed hydrants. In both cases (abuse and structural alteration), the OpenStreetMap community
will eventually fix wrong data. Either a user adding wrong data is identified, blocked and all his changes are reverted or
some other member corrects the data.
Fire-fighting facility details
You are looking at places in or near Vienna. Do you want to view the hydrant-positions from the Open Government Data of the city Vienna?
These hydrant-positions will be shown with a cross-hair symbol. You can use those positions to create hydrants for the OpenStreetMap.
Be aware There is no guarantee that each OGD-hydrant-position equals a hydrant in reality. For this reason please create new hydrants only when you're sure that it exists.
If there is a red hydrant nearby you can also adapt its position to the OGD-hydrant-position.
For both features please click the cross-hair symbol. The action buttons appear in the tooltip.
You can opt-in or opt-out everytime using the settings dropdown in the menu.